

Sharkey is a pint-sized kayak made stitch-and-glue style. The frame is made from 3/4" plywood and the hull is mahogany door skin plywood. In the unfinished photos, the hull has just been glued together with a fiberglass resin & woodflour paste mix. It was built so that a 'Bumbo' foam rubber child's seat will fit inside the cockpit. After it was put together and glassed, I painted it gray with a short napped roller to give it a little texture. Adding a gaping mouth and scary eyes complete the effect.

Usually we add water-noodles for sort of training wheels for the boat. Also, we often add about 10 lbs of weight in the rear hatch compartment and 8 in front to keep Sharkey even more stable. Matt loves it, and his only complaint is that I don't tow it fast enough.

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